Instructions on how to update the event banner on a highly customised or mobile responsive site.
- Go to the Pages and Content section of your event (Dashboard -> Edit Event -> Edit Content tab)
- Towards the bottom right hand side of this page, in the Layout Options section, select the relevant Layout type from the drop down (e.g. Default Full Width), then click the Edit button
- The Default Content Management section will pop-up. Select the Header section from the left overview.
- Click the Image Icon in the toolbar
- Upload the new image -> Send to Server -> Copy the image URL (DO NOT insert the image, you just want to copy the URL)
- Click Cancel to close this pop up
- Click the Source button in the toolbar to view the HTML of the page
- Use the browser Find function (CTRL+F) to search for 'banner-wrap' class (this will locate the correct section of code to update)
Replace the Image URL in the section highlight below (within the single quotation marks): - Save changes, then Close pop-up, and Save the changes within the main Pages and Content area.
Default banner for that template has now been updated. Any new pages created, any system generated pages, and any page using the default banner, will be updated.
If you notice that the Event Banner on certain pages throughout the site have not updated, this could mean there is a Banner for that specific page that is overwriting the default layout settings. To change these page specific banners, click here to find out how.