It can take some time for the website to appear on the first page of google results. Gradually, as more traffic reaches the new event site, any old event sites will no longer appear, since the new event pages will be considered more "relevant". GoFundraise has no control over when your event site will start appearing on the first page of the Search Results, however there are some things you can try that will help the Google Search engine recognise your new event site as "relevant":
- Choose relevant Page Titles. Ensuring your page titles are relevant and contain key words, for example instead of calling your page “HOME” title it something like “EVENT NAME for ORGANISATION NAME 2016”
See How to Change a Page Title in Vision or in DesingerPro - Use default Headings to style important Text. Your main headings on each page (H1 - heading 1, H2 - heading 2) should also contain relevant key words that your supporters may be searching for.
See How to Change Default Font settings (Vision) - Use Keywords and Phrases. Try to include text on your pages that also include relevant key words. Keep in mind that people tend to search by phrases instead of single words e.g. A person searching for a Marathon in Sydney, would probably search for "Marathon in Sydney" or even "Marathon Sydney December 2016" rather than just "Marathon"
- Avoid embedding Text on Images. Try not to hide text in images as they can’t be searched for.
- Link to your site from everywhere. The more inbound links you have to your site, the better. Link to your fundraising site in as many places as possible and encourage your supporters to do the same. Social media is a great tool for this
- Avoid Keyword Stuffing. Google will rank you lower if you just have the same keywords/phrases repeated over and over again. Your content actually needs to be relevant and readable.
See How to Promote Your Digital Campaign for more information.