General Vision FAQs
- Is there an option to 'share with' or integrate a GoFundraise Event Campaign with Instagram?
- The Event URL does not work
- Why doesn’t our GoFundraise Event Site appear on Google
- What size images should be used in Vision?
- What is the GoFundraise Ambassador Role?
- Can I add a Background Image to the event?
- Is it possible to have a Fundometer Widget without having an image?
- How do I stop my video from playing automatically and showing suggested videos at the end?
- How do I find the Video URL or Video ID for the Video Widget?
- Can I create a link to Download a File? (e.g. download PDF)
- In the Text Widget, I have aligned text but it has not saved my changes
- How do I insert a YouTube video?
- How do I add a hyperlink to an Image?
- Can I change the Fundometer Image?
- I have activated my Event but it is not appearing on the Cause Page, or Event Search
- I've added an image to a form but part of it appears cut off