To register as Beneficiary on GoFundraise, you must register under the relevant region. GoFundraise operates across three regions and each have their own registration requirements outlined below:
- Australia
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- United States
Registering in Australia
Once all the documentation is sent through and the service agreement has been signed, your charity could be on-board GoFundraise within 24-48 business hours.
Before starting the form, best to have the following information on hand:
- ABN (entity type cannot be Individual/Sole trader)
- Name of charity (must match or include the business name as listed on ABN Register)
- Bank Account Details (Australian bank account to where donations will be remitted)
- Copy of Bank Statement (must display Bank Account Name, BSB number, Bank Account number and the Name of the Bank)
- Authority to Fundraiser (ATF) details in the state or territory they are based in, or proof of exemption
- DGR status
For more information on GoFundraise product and pricing view our Features page here.
FAQs on registering as a charity can be found here.
Please note, your charity must be a registered Australian Charity with the relevant State or Territory Fundraising department.
Register as an Australian Beneficiary here.
Registering in New Zealand
Register as an NZ beneficiary here.