During the course of an event, your may need to edit an existing form submission or registration entry. Here's how:
- Starting on the Event Dashboard (
), locate the event you wish to edit and click Edit Event (see Edit an existing Event)
- From the side bar hover over the Registration and Forms Tab. Select the form you wish to work on.
- If there are existing entries to this form, there will be a Table of Entries showing. Each row is one entry, each column is one field in the form
- To Edit an existing entry, locate that row entry within the Table of Entries
In the right most column of the table, click Edit for that row entry. - Then click within a field to edit that data. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save to apply changes
Careful: Any changes you make to the entry here will appear in the Registration Export
Note: Some system linked fields are non-editable e.g. Product fields, Fundraising page fields.