This article covers:
Image must be less than 750kb in file size, to optimise loading time. For an image to sit well at full width, aim for 1920px wide or a similar size to your Screen Resolution.
e,g, 1920x1080, or 1366 x 768
Change Background Colour
- Go to Event Details and Settings (click here to see how)
- Under the section Style Settings select Widget Styling
- Set the Window Background Colour setting, and/or the Page Background Colour
Click Save to apply the changes
The Page Background Colour is the area with the main content of the website, and should be of a colour that allows the content to stand out and be easily read.
Background Image
- Follow steps 1-2 above
- For Window Background Image, select from the available choices:
None - No image
Fixed - 1 static image that stretches to the full width of the screen (recommended)
Repeating - 1 image repeated vertically down the page
Scrolling - 1 static image, stays in place at the top of the page when you scroll down - Select and upload the chosen image from your computer
Image must be less than 750kb in file size, to optimise loading time. For an image to sit well at full width, aim for 1920px wide. - Click 'Save' to apply changes
Preview within the editor may not reflect the background image correctly so view the site live to check.