Often once you duplicate an event, or create a new one through the wizard, you may want to change the original event URL. There are times when you will need to re-use an event URL as well.
Custom Domains are now available! For more information see Custom Domains and Custom Emails
- Starting on the Event Dashboard (
), locate the event you wish to edit and click Edit Event (see Edit an existing Event)
- Go to Edit Event (
) then Pages and Content (
- Scroll to the Subdomain field, click Edit
- Change the event URL as needed, then click Update
Note: The event subdomain must be unique on our platform. So if there is another event using the URL you have chosen, a warning will come up to prompt you to try again.
Tip: If you are reusing a URL for an annual event (e.g. funrun.gofundraise.com.au), first change the original event URL to eventXXXX where XXXX is the yr of that event (e.g. funrun2015). The original subdomain is now available to use on the new event. - Click the Save button to save this new URL.