All charity funds are held “in trust” a separate charity account that is reconciled and paid out every 14 days to charities. All funds are reconciled and cross checked by 3 accounts staff prior to final signoff from management authorising the payment. This and all our accounts are audited annually by our independent Auditors (Thomas Davis and Co.). What’s more our service fee is only transferred to our company account after the trust account is reconciled, cross checked and the charity payment made. A separate company management account is used for all company expenses and day to day accounts.
GoFundraise pride ourselves on being best practice and have long and close relationships with all the relevant state and territory departments that regulate the sector (in NSW is OLGR) along with the industry bodies, Fundraising Institute of Australia, and New Zealand and Philanthropy Australia. We are members of all the mentioned organisations and work very closely with them to help improve compliance, transparency and credibility in the sector.