In most cases, a donation made to an Australian Charity on our platform is only tax deductible to the donor if they are an Australian Tax Payer. Similarly, donations through the New Zealand platform will be tax deductible to New Zealand Tax Payers.
For example, a relative from the UK donates $2 or more to your fundraising page and receipts and Australian Tax Deductible receipt. If they were lodging an Australian Tax Return they could claim that donation, however if they are not, then in most cases their donation is not considered Tax Deductible in the UK. Please confirm with the relevant tax body for the country in question to confirm and different countries may have different regulations regarding overseas donations.
Some international charities may have several sites (for different countries) so that if a person was to donate through their country's portal, it will issue the correct Tax Deductible receipt for that country
e.g. (click the Donate button).
It is the responsibility of the donor to check whether their country will accept an Australian DGR receipt as Tax Deductible, or whether the charity they wish to support can issue Tax Deductible receipts for their country.