Fundraising Portals are designed to be the destination for all things fundraising. Wherever you are asking for donations you should be asking for people to fundraise. The average donation on the GoFundraise platform is $70 where the average fundraised is $700. That makes a fundraiser 10 times as valuable. Each charity on our platform has a Free Fundraising Portal.
Fundraising Portals allow your supporters to do the following;
- Learn about your fundraising
- Create fundraising occasion pages like in memory and in celebration
- See featured upcoming fundraising events
- Connect with 3rd party fundraising events like the Sydney Running Festival and Melbourne Marathon
- Track how much has been raised through your community fundraising
For more information click here
Updating your Free Fundraising Portal
You can customise your Free Fundraising Portal to match your charity's branding through the Charity Profile section of your GoFundraise Admin area.
Once logged in go to Admin > Profile > Select the FUNDRAISING PORTAL STYLING tab.
Examples of Updated Free Fundraising Portals:
Bears of Hope -
Custom Fundraising Portals
Many of our charity partners decide to upgrade their Free Fundraising Portal to a Custom Fundraising Portal. Custom Fundraising Portals can cost from $2,000, and adding a custom portal to your fundraising strategy can be one of the most effective ways of driving more online donations. To discuss how a Custom Fundraising Portal can fit in your Fundraising strategy, register your interest here
Benefits of a Custom Fundraising Portal include:
- Create a custom fundraising application form
- Custom look and feel that matches your own website and branding
- More control over Fundraising Opportunities that supporters have access to
Examples of Custom Fundraising Portals:
McGrath Foundation Portal -
National Breast Cancer Foundation -