Requires access to the Advanced Real-Time Reporting Module
How to create a custom report template
Custom report templates are a great way to sort and organise your data, extracting the exact information you need.
- From the left hand main side bar, select Real-Time Reporting
- Here you are able to run the following reports: ‘Standard Fundraiser’, ‘Donor’, and ‘Regular Giving’ reports. To create a custom report click Create Report Template
- Select the Report Type. Report Types available may vary depending on the modules you have.
The two common types of reports are:
- Fundraiser - a list of all active fundraising pages and how much they have raised
- Transaction Items/Donations - a list of all the transactions through the platform.
- Enter other criteria/parameters for your report. If in doubt, just select your Beneficiary and/or Event Name and filter/sort through the resulting spreadsheet. A brief description of the other parameters below:
Report Name – Enter a name for the report that you are creating
Beneficiary – Select the relevant beneficiary (usually just one charity)
Event or Campaign – Elect to extract data from a specific event, or all events
Report Column Headings – Discard columns that are not relevant by unchecking the boxes. You are also able to drag and drop column headings to organise your report in a specific order
Add Filters – For example, you may want to only view a certain date range of donations, thus adding transaction date/date created.
Add Sort – This allows you to sort the data by certain column, either ascending or descending.
File Format –Choose the file type you would like to download
Display Header – The report can be delivered as raw data, or with a header label (this is important when importing data into your data base)
Delivery Notification – Elect to be notified by email when your report is ready - When you have chosen the parameters for your report click Save & Schedule to run the report. You will be redirected to the main 'Reports' page. Under 'My Report Templates' your report is available to re-schedule/edit. Under 'Scheduled Reports' you will see your report with the options to 'View/Delete' (and eventually 'Download Report').
- Revisit/refresh the page until the option to 'Download Report' appears
Note: Reports generally take less than 3 minutes to process. Keep hitting Refresh until the report has processed and you are able to Download the report. If your report does not generate within 20 minutes please contact Customer Care through the Submit Request button in to top of this page.