To change your current payment method, or the card details attached to an existing scheduled payment, follow the steps below:
- Login to the GoFundraise Platform
- Go to My Account > My Donations and Purchases
- Under 'My Regular Giving' click the word 'here' as shown in screenshot
- Click Update Payment Method link for the relevant scheduled donation
- Update credit card details, then click Save.
If you run into any errors at this stage, please contact our Customer Care team with the error message, details of your scheduled payment (email, first name, last name, amount, frequency) and some details about the card used (last 4 digits of card, expiry date, card type). Also indicate if you are just updating the expiry date of current card (provide new expiry date) or if you are needed to update the current payment method completely. - Changes may take up to 48 hours to take effect.