How do I Donate or Pay using PayPal?
You must have a PayPal account setup before being able to use PayPal on the GoFundraise platform (click here for more information on PayPal).
To process your payment using PayPal, once you reach the Payment Details section, do the following:
1. Select the PayPal Payment tab next to 'Credit Card'
2. Click the second PayPal button that appears. This will take you to the PayPal site to login.
3. Login to PayPal when prompted. Select your preferred payment option (if applicable). Click 'Agree and Continue' which will return you to the GoFundraise donation screen to complete payment.
4. Review the details of the GoFundraise form. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
5. Then click the 'Donate $X now using...' button to complete your payment.
If the payment is successful, you will be taken to the Thank You for Donating screen.