To insert an image into a form, you will need to follow the steps below:
Step 1. Upload an Image to the system
Step 2. Copy the Image URL
Step 3. Insert a HTML Block Field into the form
Step 4. Paste in the relevant HTML code to display the image
These steps are detailed below,
Step 1-2: Upload an "image" to the system through a Page OR Charity Profile section
1. Upload an image to the server in one of 2 ways:
a) Through the Charity Profile description section (for Vision event sites)
b) Through a Content Page (for DesignerPro event sites)
2. Locate the Image icon on the WYSIWYG editor, to which a window will appear.
3. Click on the Upload tab
4. Choose a file from your PC or Mac and click "Send to Server".
5. Once uploaded you will be taken back to the Image Info tab. Copy the 'URL' section to your clip board.
Careful: Do NOT click the OK button. Click CANCEL
6. Click Cancel as you do not want to insert the image to this page, you just want to copy the Image URL
Step 3-4: Insert an Image into a Form
1. Once back in your event, from the Registration and Forms tab in the side bar, select the form you would like to edit:
2. Click Edit Form button
3. Within the Form editor, either Add a new HTML block, or click on the Edit link on an existing HTML Block
4. Replace the Image URL (highlighted below) with the new Image URL or the image that has been uploaded to the server already
For a brand new HTML block, insert the following code into this section to insert your image:
<img src="INSERT IMAGE URL" style="width:XXX; height: XXX;"/>
where XXX is the dimensions in pixels for how you would like the image to be displayed. If you are unsure leave blank, but ensure that the image you upload is in the size you would like it to be displayed.
5. Click Update Form on the right hand side
6. Preview form to view images
And as always, if you run into any issues GoFundraise Customer Care is just a click away by submitting a request through